Article about Kartolina / Članak o Kartolini @ Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa Omiš

Read this article about our klapa and our upcoming concert on the official website of Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa Omiš. A thank you from our klapa to the editor. Pročitajte članak o našoj klapi i našem skorom koncertu, na službenim web stranicama Festivala Dalmatinskih Klapa u Omišu. Najllepša hvala uredništvu. Festival Dalmatinskih Klapa Omiš

Concert announcement / Najava koncerta

For the first time in Windsor, Ontario, there will be a concert of traditional folk singing (“Klapa”) from Dalmatia (Croatia) by Klapa Kartolina. The concert will be held on December 4th. 2015, 7:00 pm, at the Art Gallery of Windsor – 401 Riverside Dr, West. During intermission, there will be an auction of art photography, captured by […]

Children’s klapa / Dječja klapa

The very first practice of our youngsters “Fritule” and their introduction into the beautiful sound of “klapa” singing. The practices are held on Fridays at 6:30 pm at St. Francis of Assisi Croatian Church and are conducted by Visnja and Dominik Tijardovic.  Registrations are at the church office.   Prva proba našeg podmladka “Fritula” i prvo upoznavanje sa prekrasnim zvukom […]

St. Francis of Assisi Celebration / Proslava Sv. Franje Asiškog

Klapa Kartolina performed on Sunday, October 4, 2015, for the celebration of St. Francis of Assisi in our Croatian church in Windsor. Klapa Kartolina performed one song, a cappella, during the holy mass (Gospe ribara, tezaka) and an array of Dalmatian songs after the mass in the church banquet hall. Our klapa performed for the […]