Croatian Franciscan Herald

Pročitajte ovaj članak izdvojen iz glasila Hrvatskih franjevaca Amerike i Kanade. Istinsko je zadovoljstvo pjevati i promovirati klapsku pjesmu među našom hrvatskom dijasporom. Please read the following article from the Herald of Croatian Franciscans in USA and in Canada. It is a true pleasure to sing and promote klapa songs among our Croatian diaspora.

Summer 2014

The summer of 2014 was used for vacationing of course, however an active one. We collected new songs, expanded our contacts in the klapa circles, but the most important is that we have obtained beautiful, authentic Split women’s traditional costumes, men’s cummerbunds, and thus laid the foundations of the visual identity of our klapa. They […]

Concert – Carrousel of the nations – Day 1

Klapa Kartolina je nastupila sinoć na Carrousel of the nations – Hrvatsko selo pri crkvi Svetog Franje Asiškog, 1701 Turner Rd. Otpjevali smo četiri dalmatinske pjesme, a jednu – “Zaspalo je siroče”, posvetili našem dragom bivšem župniku fra. Jozi Čuiću koji je preminuo u utorak 17. lipnja u Londonu,  Ontario. Nadamo se da će večeras doći još više posjetitelja […]