
On May 7th we celebrate the day of St. Domnius (Sudamja), the patron saint of the city of Split. Saint Domnius (also known as Saint Dujam or Saint Duje, Saint Domnio, Saint Doimus, or Saint Domninus) was a Bishop of Salona (today’s Solin) around the year 300, and is venerated as the patron saint of […]


The song Hallelujah by Klapa Kartolina is an a cappella cover of Leonard Cohen’s famous song, where the arrangement and the third verse in the Croatian language are the work of Višnja Tijardović, director of Klapa Kartolina. This video is an homage to the life and work of Leonard Cohen and in it you can […]

The First Ten Years / Prvih deset godina

We celebrated our 10-year anniversary with a multimedia event at the Capitol Theatre in Windsor, on April 12, 2024. The event included the premiere of a short documentary film about Klapa Kartolina and a singing performance by our three ensembles: Kartolina, Fritule and Berekin. As part of the program, a video of the church choir […]


Our event at the Capitol Theatre on April 12, 2024, will have a premiere screening of the song Poljička. The song describes the history and beauty of Poljica, a historic and independent principality that existed in the area between Split and Omiš from the 13th to the 19th century, where our klapa story from the […]

Croatian Heritage Night 2023/ Noć hrvatske baštine 2023

For the second year in a row, we have Croatian Heritage Night with the Detroit Pistons! Come out to proudly present and celebrate our Croatian heritage with the Detroit Pistons, on Thursday, December 21, 2023! The Pistons will be taking on the Utah Jazz at Little Caesars Arena in Detroit. There is a Croatian player […]