The youth female klapa Fritule, though young by age, has had many successful performances behind them. The klapa began in 2015 at the Croatian Catholic Parish of St. Francis of Assisi, in the city of Windsor, Ontario Canada, under the organization of Klapa Kartolina. Their songs are performed in multi voice arrangements that are adapted to their young voices. Beside traditional klapa songs, they also have songs in English and French in their repertoire. Most of Fritule’s members are the second generation of Croatians born in Canada, and their origin is from all parts of Croatia. The performances in Croatia in July 2019 were their first performances outside of Canada, and for most of them it was their first direct experience with the klapa scene in Croatia.
Ženska mlada klapa Fritule iako mlada po godinama, ima iza sebe već brojne uspješne nastupe. Klapa je počela s radom 2015-te godine pri Hrvatskoj katoličkoj župi Sv. Franjo Asiški u gradu Windsoru, Ontario Kanada, pod organizacijskim okriljem klape Kartolina. Klapske pjesme izvode u višeglasnim aranžmanima koji su prilagođeni njihovim mladim glasovima, a u njihovom repertoaru osim tradicionalnih klapskih imaju i pjesme na engleskom i francuskom jeziku. Većina članica klape Fritule pripadaju drugoj generaciji Hrvata rođenih u Kanadi, a porijeklo vuku iz svih krajeva Lijepe Naše. Nastupi u Hrvatskoj u srpnju 2019-te godine su bili njihovi prvi nastupi izvan Kanade, a većini i prvi susret s klapskom scenom u Hrvatskoj uopće.