Our fourth annual klapa concert in Windsor was very successful and was the one with the biggest audience so far. This time, the concert was held in the banquet hall of our parish of St. Francis of Assisi, which was set as a real concert hall, with the stage decorated with Dalmatian and Croatian motifs. Our objective was for both the audience and the performers to feel as if they are someplace in our beautiful Dalmatia. To make this atmosphere more realistic; dry figs, fritule (Dalmatian sweets) and prosecco (Dalmatian sweet wine) were served.
Together with the organizer of the concert Klapa Kartolina, there were performances by our youth group Klapa Fritule and by our dear guests from Toronto, the male ensemble Klapa Maestral. The three vocal ensembles performed a total of 22 songs and brought the sounds and experiences of Dalmatia to the Croatian community in Windsor. The songs performed ranged from ‘Maistrale moj prolitni hlade’, ‘Falile se kaštelanke’, and ‘Kaleto moja draga’ to ‘Cetina’ and ‘Šijavica’. The audience enjoyed the hour and a half of the program and rewarded all the performances with a hearty round of applause. The official part of the evening was concluded by expressing thanks to all the attendees and awarding gifts to the performers, with special acknowledgments for the sponsors of the evening. After that, the audience and the performers joined each other for dinner and enjoyed the delicious food from our Parish Hall kitchen, with of course, more Dalmatian songs. Our dear guests, Klapa Maestral from Toronto delighted everyone with their program, cheerful performances and spontaneity, and we hope that we will have the opportunity to see and listen to them again in the future.
Thank you all for coming and see you next year!
Naš četvrti godišnji klapski koncert u Windsoru je bio više nego uspješan i najposjećeniji do sada. Koncert se ovog puta održao u banket dvorani naše župe Sv. Franje Asiškog, koja je bila pripremljena kao prava koncertna dvorana, a pozornica je bila ukrašena dalmatinskim i hrvatskim motivima. Naša želja je bila da se i publika, i izvođači osjećaju kao da su negdje na nekoj lokaciji u našoj lijepoj Dalmaciji. Da ugođaj bude potpuniji, posluživale su se suhe smokve, fritule i prošek.
Uz organizatora koncerta klapu Kartolina, nastupila je i klapa mladih Fritule, te gosti iz Toronta, muška klapa Maestral. Tri klape su izvele ukupno 22 pjesme i s njima donijele zvukove i doživljaje Dalmacije u hrvatsku zajednicu u Windsoru. Pjevale su se pjesme od ‘Maistrale moj prolitni hlade’, preko ‘Falile se kaštelanke’, ‘Kaleto moja draga’, pa do ‘Cetine’ i ‘Šijavice’. Publika je uživala u sat i pol programa i sve izvedbe nagradila srdačnim pljeskom. Službeni dio veceri se završio riječima zahvale i uručivanjem darova izvođačima, a posebna prizanja su dobili sponzori večeri. Nakon toga je slijedilla zajednička večera gdje su se publika i izvođači pridružili jedni drugima, te uživali u ukusnim jelima iz nase župne kuhinje, i uz naravno još dalmatinske pjesme. Dragi gosti, klapa Maestral iz Toronta su oduševili sve nazočne svojim nastupom, veselim izvedbama i spontanošću, stoga se nadamo da ćemo ih opet imati priliku vidjeti i slušati.