Oj Hrvatska oj, Veselo nam stoj

On Sunday, March 22nd 2015, our parish had a unique opportunity to see and listen to a concert in the Croatian church of St. Francis of Assisi in Windsor, which featured; a mixed (SATB) choir, vocal soloist, Slavonian tambura band and Dalmatian klapa. The event began with the Holy Mass led by Fr. Ljubo Lebo and the music at the mass was performed by the Canadian Croatian Choral Society (CCCS) choir from Toronto, under the guidance of Maestro Edward Mavrinac. The performance of the choir under the energetic and knowledgeable direction of the Maestro was fantastic.

The concert continued in the church, which is the first time that such a musical event was staged in it. The CCCS choir began the concert with a performance of religious, patriotic and folk songs. The tambura band then performed a number of Slavonian songs and Klapa Kartolina continued with Dalmatian a-cappella songs. The concert was furtherly enriched by the performance of Miss Juliana Hajdinjak, the CCCS scholarship recipient, who first played Dvorak’s “Slavonian Dance” –piano four hands- with Maestro Mavrinac, and then singing Dalmatian Šajkaš, accompanied by the Maestro. The concert in the church ended with the performance of Dalmatian songs by the choir and the other artists with audience participation and words of gratitude to the organizers and performers. It should be noted that our Croatian church of Sv. Francis of Assisi proved to be an excellent stage for performing this kind of music, especially for vocal performances.

After the concert, socializing continued in the church banquet hall while enjoying delicious traditional dishes from our kitchen, where we were able to hear all the performers in a little more leisurely setting.

It must be emphasized that the organization of the event was excellent. Everything was carefully planned to the smallest detail, which truly revealed all the effort that has gone into the organization. Many thanks to Fr. Ljubo on the initiative and hosting, all the organizers, especially maestro Edward Mavrinac and the choir with the guests on their performance. We sincerely hope to have a chance to have them all again, to see and hear them.

U nedjelju 22. ožujka 2015, naša župa je imala jedinstvenu priliku vidjeti I poslušati koncert u Hrvatskoj crkvi Sv. Franje Asiškog u Windsor-u, na kojem su nastupili mješoviti pjevački zbor, vokalni solist, slavonski tamburaši i dalmatinska klapa. Sami događaj je počeo svetom misom koju je predvodio naš Fr. Ljubo Lebo, a glazbene dionice je otpjevao Mješoviti pjevački zbor Canadian Croatian Choral Society (CCCS) iz Toronta pod voditeljstvom maestra Edwarda Mavrinca. Izvedba zbora pod energičnom i znalačkom direkcijom maestra je bila fantastična.

Koncert se nastavio u samoj crkvi, koja je po prvi puta bila pozornica takvom glazbenom događaju. Zbor CCCS je zapoceo koncert  izvedbom sakralnih, domoljubnih i narodnih pjesama. Tamburaški sastav je zatim izveo nekoliko slavonskih pjesama. Nakon silaska zbora sa kora, Klapa Kartolina je nastavila sa dalmatinskim pjesmama a-cappella. Koncert je uljepšala svojom izvedbom gđica Julijana Hajdinjak, stipendista CCCS-a koja je odsvirala Dvorakov “Slavonski Ples” na klaviru četvororučno s maestrom Mavrincem a nakon toga i solo pjevanjem Dalmatinskog šajkaša uz klavirsku pratnju maestra. Koncert u crkvi se priveo kraju izvedbom dalmatinskih pjesama zbora I ostalih izvođača uz sudjelovanje publike te riječima zahvale organizatorima i izvođačima. Mora se istaknuti da se naša hrvatska crkva Sv. Franje Asiškog pokazala kao izvanredna pozornica za izvođenje ovakve vrste glazbe, naročito vokalnih izvedbi.

Poslije koncerta, u crkvenoj dvorani druženje se nastavilo uz tradicionalno ukusna jela iz naše kuhinje. Tu smo ponovno mogli čuti sve izvođače u malo slobodnijoj izvedbi.

Mora se naglasiti da je organizacija koncerta bila izvrsna. Sve je bilo brižno isplanirano do najmanjih detalja, koji u stvari najviše i otkrivaju sav trud koji je uložen u organizaciju.  Velika hvala fra Ljubi na inicijativi  i domaćinstvu, svim organizatorima, a posebno maestru Edwardu Mavrincu, zboru i gostima na njihovoj izvedbi. Iskreno se nadamo da ćemo ih sve imati ponovno priliku vidjeti i čuti i uživati u zvucima domovine.

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