Our participation at the second Croatian Heritage Night with the Detroit Pistons was lots of fun! We performed a medley of the songs originally by Dražen Žanko – “Od stoljeća sedmog” and “Cetina,” and this time we combined all three of our groups in the performance – Berekin, Fritule and Kartolina. The performance was done without any prior soundcheck, and the acoustical environment was extremely challenging. However, we managed to put our best performance forward and we are very proud of it! Our friends from “Nova Nada” Croatian Folklore Ensemble, Detroit performed a Croatian folk dance right after us and together we showed the richness and diversity of Croatian culture and heritage. After the performance, we enjoyed mingling with our Croatian community from Windsor and Detroit, and at the end we had a nice meet and greet with our fellow Croatian and basketball player Bojan Bogdanovic from the Detroit Pistons. We are grateful to Kata Bešlić for the invitation to perform at this unique event that joins three countries – Croatia, USA, and Canada, and we thank her for all her work and organization. See everyone next year!
Naše sudjelovanje na drugoj Noći hrvatske baštine s Detroit Pistonsima bilo je iznimno zabavno! Izveli smo splet pjesama Dražena Žanka – “Od stoljeća sedmog” i “Cetina”, a ovaj put smo u izvedbi objedinili sve tri naše grupe – Berekin, Fritule i Kartolina. Nastup je usputno rečeno odrađen bez ikakve prethodne tonske probe, a akustički ambijent bio je iznimno zahtjevan. Ipak, uspjeli smo ostvariti najbolju moguću izvedbu i jako smo ponosni na to! Naši prijatelji iz Nove Nade, Detroit odmah nakon nas izveli su hrvatske narodne plesove i zajedno smo pokazali bogatstvo i raznolikost hrvatske kulture i baštine. Nakon nastupa uživali smo u druženju s našom hrvatskom zajednicom iz Windsora i Detroita, a na kraju smo imali i lijep susret i druženje s našim hrvatskim košarkašem Bojanom Bogdanovićem iz Detroit Pistonsa. Zahvalni smo Kati Bešlić na pozivu da nastupimo na ovom jedinstvenom događaju koji spaja tri zemlje – Hrvatsku, SAD i Kanadu, te joj zahvaljujemo na svom trudu i organizaciji. Vidimo se sljedeće godine!