We are very excited to announce that both; klapa Kartolina and klapa Fritule will be travelling to Croatia this summer, to perform at several klapa concerts, most notably at the 53rd Festival of Dalmatian klapa in Omiš, at the evening of klapas from Croatian diaspora. This is klapa Kartolina’s second time to perform in the homeland of klapa singing and klapa Fritule’s first. We are enormously grateful to Mr. Mijo Stanić and to the Festival of Dalmatian klapa in Omiš for organizing these concerts, where klapas from abroad can participate and to their efforts to establish much better and needed ties between klapas from diaspora and from Croatia. We also extend many thanks to the Canadian Embassy in Zagreb, for inviting us to perform at the Canada Day celebration and to our dear friends klapa Krunik to perform at their traditional concert – VIII Susret klapa na Kruniku. We are also thankful to Ms. Branka Bezić Filipović and Hrvatska matica iseljenika for their work on promoting Croatian culture within the diaspora and events like this.
We express our sincere gratitude to the Canadian Council of the Arts and Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan RH for their financial support for our project. We are extremely grateful for their recognition of our work and our efforts.
About Canada Council for the Arts
The Canada Council for the Arts is Canada’s public arts funder, with a mandate to foster and promote the study and enjoyment of, and the production of works in, the arts. The Council champions and invests in artistic excellence through a broad range of grants, services, prizes and payments to professional Canadian artists and arts organizations. Its work ensures that excellent, vibrant and diverse art and literature engages Canadians, enriches their communities and reaches markets around the world. The Council also raises public awareness and appreciation of the arts through its communications, research and arts promotion activities. It is responsible for the Canadian Commission for UNESCO, which promotes the values and programs of UNESCO in Canada to contribute to a more peaceful, equitable and sustainable future. The Canada Council Art Bank operates art rental programs and helps further public engagement with contemporary arts. @CanadaCouncil #BringingTheArtsToLife.
Check promotional video on YouTube
Pogledajte promotivni video na Vimeo
Iznimno nam je zadovoljstvo najaviti da obje naše klape; Kartolina i Fritule putuju ovog ljeta u Hrvatsku, gdje će nastupiti na nekoliko klapskih koncerata, od kojih je najznačajniji 53. Festival dalmatinskih klapa u Omišu, na večeri klapa iz iseljeništva. Ovo će biti drugi put da klapa Kartolina gostuje u domovini klapske pjesme, a klapi Fritule ovo je prvi put. Želimo izraziti ogromnu zahvalnost gosp. Miji Staniću i Festivalu dalmatinskih klapa u Omišu na organizaciji ovih koncerata gdje klape iz inozemstva mogu sudjelovati i hvala im za njihove napore da se uspostave što bolje veze između klapa dijaspore i iz Hrvatske. Upućujemo veliko hvala Kanadskom veleposlanstvu u Zagrebu na pozivu za nastup povodom dana državnosti Kanade, a isto tako i našim dragim prijateljima klapi Krunik na pozivu za nastup na njihovim 8. Susretima klapa na Kruniku. Također upućujemo zahvalu i gđi. Branki Bezić Filipović i Hrvatskoj matici iseljenika, na njihovom radu na očuvanju hrvatske kulture u iseljeništvu i promociji ovih događanja.
Upućujemo najiskreniju zahvalu agencijama Canadian Council of the Arts i Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan RH, na njihovoj financijskoj potpori ovog projekta. Iznimno smo im zahvalni što su prepoznali naš rad i naša nastojanja.