A retrospective on the Tour / Retrospektiva turneje

The tour with Klapa Kaše from Dubrovnik was our biggest project so far and we’ve completed it successfully! It was challenging to hold four concerts, in four different cities in a week, and to travel almost 3000 km by car during the tour, however, it was all worthwhile. We got to know Klapa Kaše really well, and they are a wonderful group of people and musicians. Our special guest was Mr. Pero Brajević from the tourist board of Dubrovnik, who did excellent presentations of Croatia and Dubrovnik before every concert. This brand-new format of concerts where we joined presentations of tourism and our cultural national heritage such as klapa music, was very successful and we intend do it again in the future. It’s a win-win for everyone!
The first concert was held at the Grand Theatre in London and this was a concert by Klapa Kaše, where they truly showed their quality of performances, their charm, and connection with the audience. We enjoyed their music in the intimate atmosphere of the Auburn Hall of the theatre.
The second concert was in Klapa Kartolina’s hometown of Windsor, in the brand-new concert hall of the St. Cecile Music Academy where we had the opportunity to enjoy performances of Klapa Kartolina, our youth Klapa Fritule, voice students of the St. Cecile Music Academy, and our featured performers – Klapa Kaše from Dubrovnik. We all really connected with the audience, where we sang popular Dalmatian songs all together as a finale. We would also like to give thanks to Mr. Bill Fortney who travelled 7 hours from Indiana just to attend our concert, for the second time!
The third concert was the biggest show of all, and it was held in the Lester B. Pearson theatre in Brampton. At the beginning of the concert the performers and the audience were addressed by Mr. Vice Skračić, the Ambassador of Croatia to Canada, Ms. Jelena Perić, the Consul of Croatia to Canada and Mr. Mijo Stanić, the director of Dalmatian klapa festival in Omiš, via video message. There were four performing groups at the concert; Klapa Kartolina – the host, Darbazi – a vocal ensemble from Toronto that performs traditional singing from the Republic of Georgia, Kraljica Jelena – a tambura ensemble from Kitchener and of course our featured performers – Klapa Kaše. We have to emphasize the role of Mr. Ante Milardović in organizing and execution of this event, where he was the stage manager and the leader of Kraljica Jelena. Without his help, this event would not be possible and we are very grateful for his friendship and professionalism. The concert was a success and it ended with a standing ovation from the audience.
The concluding event of the tour was the performance of St. Blaise’s Mass by Klapa Kaše, at the Croatian church of Holy Cross in Hamilton. This musical masterpiece, entirely composed by the leader of Klapa Kaše, Mr. Vicko Dragojević, is of remarkable quality and it touched many hearts of the listeners in the church. Many of the attendees left the church with teary eyes. We must express our sincere thanks to the parish priest – Father Marko Štefanec, who hosted this event and even organized live streaming of the Mass on YouTube. Thank you, father Marko, for your hospitality!
During the tour we also had some time for relaxing and visiting interesting sites such as Niagara Falls, downtown Toronto, CN Tower and Windsor Riverside. Wherever we went, we sang along a bit and promoted our national heritage.
We would like to express our deepest thanks to all the supporters of the event;

  • Canada Council for the Arts
  • Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske
  • Croatian National Tourist Board, with Ms. Leila Krešić-Jurić
  • Dubrovnik Tourist Board, with Ms. Ana Hrnić and Mr. Pero Brajević
  • Festival of Dalmatian klapa in Omiš, with Mr. Mijo Stanić
  • Croatica TV, with Mr. Anton Kikaš
  • Radio Hrvatsko Srce, with Mr. Vlado Miljan
  • Klapa Maestral Toronto, with Mr. Željko Sorić and Mr. Stjepan Đurđević

We are also sending our thanks to the show “Dobro jutro Hrvatska” for a live interview from Brampton, led by Mr. Vicko Dragojević, who is one of the show’s hosts. The interview was shot and broadcasted at 2:00 am in Canada, which is 8:00 am in Croatia. We enjoyed to send our greetings to Croatia through the interview and through the short live performance by Klapa Kaše.
We are immensely grateful for the performances by all the aforementioned ensembles and individuals, especially Klapa Kaše coming all the way from Dubrovnik! It was challenging to organize the event of this nature, as well as to participate in it. We hope our paths cross in the future again with everyone involved!

Yours truly,
Klapa Kartolina

Turneja s Klapom Kaše iz Dubrovnika je bio naš najveći projekt do sada i odradili smo ga s uspjehom! Bilo je zahtjevno održati četiri koncerta, u četiri različita grada u tjedan dana i prijeći gotovo 3000 km automobilom tijekom turneje, međutim, vrijedilo je truda. Klapu Kaše smo vrlo dobro upoznali i oni su divna grupa ljudi i glazbenika. Naš poseban gost bio je gospodin Pero Brajević iz Turističke zajednice Dubrovnika, koji je prije svakog koncerta izveo odlične prezentacije Hrvatske i Dubrovnika. Ovaj potpuno novi format koncerata na kojem smo spojili prezentacije turizma i naše kulturne nacionalne baštine, poput klapske glazbe, bio je vrlo uspješan i namjeravamo to ponoviti i u budućnosti. To je win-win za sve!
Prvi koncert je održan u Grand Theatreu u Londonu, koji je ujedno bio solistički koncert Klape Kaše i gdje su istinski pokazali svoju kvalitetu izvedbe, svoj šarm i povezanost s publikom. Uživali smo u njihovoj glazbi u intimnoj atmosferi Auburn dvorane kazališta.
Drugi koncert bio je u Windsoru, gradu domaćina Klape Kartolina. U novoj koncertnoj dvorani Glazbene akademije St. Cecile, imali smo priliku uživati u nastupima Klape Kartolina, naše mlade ženske Klape Fritule, studenata pjevanja Glazbene akademije Sv. Cecilije i naravno naših gostiju iz Hrvatske – Klape Kaše iz Dubrovnika. Uspostavili smo vrlo prisan odnos s publikom tijekom koncerta i kao završnicu svi zajedno otpjevali popularne dalmatinske pjesme. Želimo se posebno zahvaliti gosp. Bill Fortney-u iz Indiane koji je putovao 7 sati da bi došao na naš koncert, po drugi put!
Treći koncert bio je najveći od svih, a održan je u kazalištu Lester B. Pearson u Bramptonu. Na početku koncerta izvođačima i publici obratili su se gosp. Vice Skračić, veleposlanik RH u Kanadi, gđa. Jelena Perić, konzul RH u Kanadi i gosp. Mijo Stanić, ravnatelj Festivala Dalmatinskih klapa u Omišu, putem video poruke. Na koncertu su bile četiri izvođačke skupine; Klapa Kartolina – domaćin, Darbazi – vokalni sastav iz Toronta koji izvodi tradicionalno pjevanje iz Republike Gruzije, Kraljica Jelena – tamburaški sastav iz Kitchenera i naravno naši dragi gosti iz Hrvatske – Klapa Kaše. Moramo istaknuti ulogu gosp. Ante Milardovića u organizaciji i izvedbi ovog događaja, gdje je bio voditelj programa i voditelj tamburaša Kraljice Jelene. Bez njegove pomoći ovaj događaj ne bi bio moguć i iznimno smo mu zahvalni na prijateljstvu i profesionalnosti. Koncert je u svemu bio vrlo uspješan i završio je ovacijama publike.
Završni događaj radnog dijela turneje bila je izvedba mise sv. Vlaha Klape Kaše u hrvatskoj crkvi Svetog Križa u Hamiltonu. Ovo glazbeno remek-djelo, koje je u cijelosti skladao voditelj Klape Kaše, gospodin Vicko Dragojević, izvanredne je kvalitete i dirnulo je mnoga srca slušatelja u crkvi. Mnogi od prisutnih napustili su crkvu suznih očiju. Moramo izraziti iskrenu zahvalu župniku vlč. Marku Štefanecu koji je bio domaćin ovog događaja i čak organizirao live prijenos mise na YouTubeu. Hvala, velečasni Marko, na gostoprimstvu!
Tijekom turneje imali smo naravno i malo vremena za opuštanje i posjet zanimljivim mjestima kao što su slapovi Niagare, centar Toronta, CN Tower i Windsor Riverside. Gdje god smo išli, malo smo i pjevali i tako promovirali našu narodnu baštinu.
Želimo izraziti najdublju zahvalnost svim podupirateljima događanja;

  • Canada Council for the Arts
  • Središnji državni ured za Hrvate izvan Republike Hrvatske
  • Hrvatska turistička zajednica i gđa. Leila Krešić-Jurić
  • Turistička zajednica Dubrovnika; gđa. Ana Hrnić i gosp. Pero Brajević
  • Festival Dalmatinskih klapa Omiš i gosp. Mijo Stanić
  • Croatica TV i gosp. Anton Kikaš
  • Radio Hrvatsko Srce i gosp. Vlado Miljan
  • Klapa Maestral Toronto; gosp. Željko Sorić i gosp. Stjepan Đurđević

Zahvaljujemo se i emisiji “Dobro jutro Hrvatska” na intervjuu uživo iz Bramptona, kojeg je vodio gospodin Vicko Dragojević, ujedno i jedan od voditelja emisije. Intervju je snimljen i emitiran u 2:00 ujutro u Kanadi, odnosno u 8:00 ujutro u Hrvatskoj. Bilo nam je zadovoljstvo pozdraviti Hrvatsku kroz intervju i kroz kratki live nastup Klape Kaše.
Neizmjerno smo zahvalni na nastupima svih navedenih sastava i pojedinaca, a posebno Klape Kaše koja je došla iz dalekog Dubrovnika! Bilo je zahtjevno organizirati ovakva događanja, kao i sudjelovati u njima. Nadamo se da ćemo i u budućnosti ponovno surađivati sa svima koji su bili dio ove turneje!

Vaša Klapa Kartolina

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