Klapa Kartolina and their youth klapa Fritule are hosting their traditional 5th annual klapa concert on Saturday February 15th, 7:00 pm, at the Art Gallery of Windsor. Guest performers at this concert will be Tara and Trina Banick – Due Dolci, an instrumental duo from Chicago, of Croatian descent, who perform a large number of arrangements of Dalmatian and Klapa songs on the violin and piano. After the concert at the gallery, a Dalmatian style dinner will be served in our church hall, St. Francis of Assisi at 8:30 pm, which is included in the ticket price. Price; adults: $30, children 10 to 5: $20, under 5: free admission. For tickets, call 519-966-1586 or email klapakartolina@gmail.com.
Klapa Kartolina i njihova klapa mladih Fritule priređuju 5. tradicionalni godišnji klapski koncert u subotu February 15th, 7:00 pm, u Art Gallery of Windsor. Gosti izvođači na ovom koncertu će biti Tara i Trina Banick – Due Dolci, instrumentalni duo iz Chicaga, hrvatskog porijekla, koje izvode veliki broj obrada dalmatinskih i klapskih pjesama na viloini i klaviru. Nakon koncerta u galeriji, biti će poslužena dalmatinska večera u našoj crkvenoj hali Sv. Franjo Asiški u 8:30 pm, a koja je uključena u cijenu ulaznice. Cijena; odrasli: $30, djeca 10 to 5-$20, mlađi od 5-slobodan ulaz. Za ulaznice nazovite 519-966-1586 ili email klapakartolina@gmail.com.
Please check the Due Dolci web-page at:

Art Gallery of Windsor, 401 Riverside Dr. West