Klapa Kartolina had three performances during the two days of Carrousel of the Nations at the Croatian Village and the whole experience was wonderful! We proudly promoted the Klapa style of singing and we made some new fans of Klapa among t…he public. The songs that we sung were: Jute san se zajubijo, Zaspalo je […]
Posts from June 2014
Concert – Carrousel of the nations – Day 1
Klapa Kartolina je nastupila sinoć na Carrousel of the nations – Hrvatsko selo pri crkvi Svetog Franje Asiškog, 1701 Turner Rd. Otpjevali smo četiri dalmatinske pjesme, a jednu – “Zaspalo je siroče”, posvetili našem dragom bivšem župniku fra. Jozi Čuiću koji je preminuo u utorak 17. lipnja u Londonu, Ontario. Nadamo se da će večeras doći još više posjetitelja […]
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