Festival 50

Klapa Kartolina, together with its ensembles Fritule and Berekin, performed at the jubilee 50th Canadian-Croatian Folklore Festival East on May 18th, in the city of Mississauga, Ontario. We performed traditional Dalmatian klapa songs, as the only group in the Canadian Croatian Folklore Federation East dedicated to cherishing and preserving the important part of Croatian cultural heritage that is klapa singing. It is an exceptional honor and pleasure for us to be a part of the festival and the association, which have been preserving and promoting Croatian folklore heritage and culture in this part of Canada for half a century.

This festival was also special for the organization of the largest Croatian kolo in North America, where all performers from folklore groups and concertgoers united and connected in a Croatian kolo circle! The kolo was formed around the concert hall where the festival is held – the Living Arts Center in the center of the city of Mississauga. The photos and videos of the event are spectacular and make us extremely proud of our Croatian cultural heritage.

Klapa Kartolina zajedno sa svojim ansamblima Fritule i Berekin, nastupila je 18. svibnja na jubilarnom 50. Kanadsko-hrvatskom folklornom festivalu Istok u gradu Mississauga, Ontario. Izveli smo tradicionalne dalmatinske klapske pjesme, kao jedina skupina u Canadian Croatian Folklore Federation East posvećena njegovanju i očuvanju klapskog pjevanja – važnog dijela hrvatske kulturne baštine. Iznimna nam je čast i zadovoljstvo biti dio festivala i udruge koji već pola stoljeća čuvaju i promiču hrvatsku folklornu baštinu i kulturu u ovom dijelu Kanade.

Ovaj festival bio je poseban i po organizaciji najvećeg hrvatskog kola u Sjevernoj Americi, gdje su se svi izvođači folklornih skupina i posjetitelji koncerata ujedinili i povezali u hrvatsko kolo! Kolo se formiralo oko koncertne dvorane u kojoj se održava festival – Living Arts Center u središtu grada Mississauge. Fotografije i video zapisi događaja su spektakularni i čine nas iznimno ponosnima na našu hrvatsku kulturnu baštinu.